iStargames has announced the pre-registration event for their upcoming game, Starry Fantasy Online. The game is set to launch in South East Asia this Summer, so don’t miss out this opportunity to get yourself some awesome prizes.
Starry Fantasy Online is a Action RPG featuring a Real-Time PVP Battle, a Blog System and Cross-Platform capabilities.
Real-Time PVP Battle
There are 4 different classes in the game: Warrior, Mage, Priest and Gunslinger.
Each class has its own unique skills which performs different functions when doing team fight. Starry Fantasy Online also has a variety of battle systems. Players can battle Boss alone or team up with friends. Join your clan and begin the war with others to fight for the eternity glory.
Take Selfie and Show Who You Truly Are
Players can upload selfie in personal blog, and invite worldwide players to come and visit. Moreover, players are able to send flowers & gifts to each other and have private chat, the most popular character can win the title of popularity, so, say hi to new friends and earn more flowers & gifts.
Cross-platform from PC, Mobile and Pad
Running out of battery to play the game? Don’t worry, we got you. Starry Fantasy Online has Cross-platform capabilities from PC, Mobile to Tablets. You can easily enjoy the game with friends and log in anytime and anywhere.
Pre-register for the game now take part in the milestone event where you can win up to 500 gems and a Fantasy Starry Wing!