Currently there’s a event to get 50 Crystal, 1 Mystical Scroll, 10k Mana gem, 50 Energy.
For Android users, go to your event page > click on the “enter promo code” banner and type in “SUMMONWAR” to receive (note: Android users need to restart the game after entering the code) your prize.
For iOS users, you have to change your phone language to Japanese for the banner to appear. Just follow the above instructions after changing the language.
Attention fellow Summoners!
Play during the special hours everyday and we’ll give you free rewards!
What are the rewards?
Check the gift schedule below to find out for yourself!
1st Gift: 4pm – 7pm PDT
2nd Gift: 2am – 5am PDT
Here’s the conversion for SEA gamers.
4pm-7pm PDT = 7am-10am GMT+ 8
2am-5am PDT = 5pm-8pm GMT +8
The first reward this morning was 20 energy