Some of you have been asking me for my opinion on what’s good to level/evolve and what’s not, and after a super request from my guild-mate “Kaytine”, I’ve finally decided to put up a chart for your reference.
Similar to the grade chart that’s already been translated and circulated all over the internet, this chart I made is based on my personal experience using and fighting against the monsters, reading of countless guides and tips and looking into the in-game comments, thus the information may or may not be bias. However, I will not be grading every single monster but only highlighting those that are significantly more useful and effective for our F2P users.
Disclaimer: It doesn’t mean that monsters that are not listed are bad. It’s just that on paper, the skills are not significant or there are better alternative monsters with better stats of the same available skill-set.
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I need all the support I can get from you guys to continue giving you the best content 🙂
NEW: 188 Likes on my FB page for 3* monster LIST!!!!