Here’s the first part of the 3* monster chart for your reference! Finally, I’ve found some time to compile and put up the 3* monster chart. Do note that all data are based on my own opinion therefore use this only as a reference not a bible. You can find the 2* Chart here
Update: Due to some confusion, I’ve decided to remove the “ratings” from the chart until I’ve completed all the Monster List.
How the chart works:
1. Monsters that are listed on the chart are better and more useful compared to its elemental counterpart (IMO).
2. The skills / skill combination are what makes the monsters more “useful”
3. I’ve taken into consideration to the base stats of these monsters when charting, thus some monsters with similar skills were omitted.
4. Monsters here are worth investing if you’re new and have no luck with 4-5 * monsters
3* Monster Chart
Disclaimer: It doesn’t mean that monsters that are not listed are bad. It’s just that on paper, the skills are not significant or there are better alternative monsters with better stats of the same available skill-set.
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