Bandai Namco has announced the launch of their latest mobile game, Sword Art Online Memory Defrag. The game is currently available in 15 different countries and will be made available to more in the upcoming days.
Sword Art Online Memory Defrag (SAOMD) is a 2D side-scroller ARPG. The game’s specialty is that you’ll only require one finger to play the game.
Each character has it’s own weapon type and different weapons will have different effect in combat. For example, Players can only block with melee weapons such as Sword or Mace, while you can only Armor break with Mace or Magical Weapons. This is like the “Elemental System” in most mobile games thus knowing which weapon counter which enemy, will greatly help in completing those difficult stages.
SAOMD is now available in the following 15 countries; USA, Canada, France, Germany, UK, Italy, Belgium, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore. Bandai will be rolling the game out to more countries over the next few days. However, if you cannot wait anymore, you can grab the APK from Qooapp or create any of the above country’s iTunes account.
Bandai Namco