Danganronpa Creators Open TRIBE NINE Pre-Registration

TRIBE NINE pre-registration news, with a green haired character wearing a black and white stripey shirt with black pants as they hold a box that has a worm-like creature coming out of it with purple and black stripes.

Sign up for the TRIBE NINE pre-registration now! Get ready for a brand-new adventure across a futuristic depiction of Tokyo.

TRIBE NINE is an upcoming title from the creators of Danganronpa – one of my favourite gaming franchises! As you can probably guess, I’m more than excited to try this title out once it releases on February 20th, 2025.

For now, while we wait, pre-register via the game’s official website or through the Google Play page.

The Extreme Games

Set in Neo-Tokyo, you’re part of a group that wants to fight against the injustices that Zero has brought to the country. ‘Extreme Games’ involve players having to fight for their lives in brutal challenges.

However, there’s a group of teenagers who are fed up with these unfair rules. They take it upon themselves to battle against the evil that’s controlling Neo-Tokyo.

If you want an easier time, remember to upgrade your characters, from increasing their stats to strengthening their equipment! At release, there are 10 characters available to collect, so you’re sure to find the best that works for you.

The Streets of Neo-Tokyo

Explore pixelated neon-lined streets, inspired by real locations across Tokyo, as you control the pixel sprites on the hunt for enemies.

In a team of three, each character has their own set of strategic manoeuvres and abilities. From dealing the highest amount of damage to healing teammates, how your team works together is just as important as the role they play.

It’s not all about battling though! As you wander through Neo-Tokyo, there are puzzles to solve and side quests to pick up.

Overall, TRIBE NINE is nothing like Danganronpa. But, you can certainly see its influences in the art direction, especially when it comes to the character designs and portraits.

Still, we also have Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE, which is another example of a similar art style, yet completely different gameplay.

Want some new anime merch? Read our article on the upcoming pre-orders for the Bocchi the Rock Nendoroid Surprise figures!