Tribe Nine Tier List and Reroll Guide

Feature image for our tribe nine tier list and reroll guide showing a huge roster of characters with a small white puffball animal in the centre of the image with its arms outstretched to showcase each character

This efficient Tribe Nine Tier List and Reroll Guide ranks every playable character from best to worst and then tells you how to reroll the initial gacha to secure the best team from the very start.

Check out Tribe Nine via its Official Website. If you’re a tiers fan, you may also like our Crystal of Atlan Tier List and Enigma Of Sepia Tier List.

Tribe Nine Tier List and Reroll Guide

Let’s get into the rankings! Skip ahead to the ‘Reroll Guide’ heading to learn how to Reroll units.


  • Kazuki Aoyama
  • Enoki Yukigaya
  • Miu Jujo


  • Minami Oi
  • Q
  • Roku Saigo
  • Santaro Mita


  • Hyakuichitaro Senju
  • Koishi Kohinata
  • Tsuruko Semba
  • Jio Takinogawa


  • Eiji Todoroki
  • Sui Yakumo
  • Yutaka Gotanda
  • Tsuki Iroha
  • Yo Kuronaka


  • There are no D-Tier playable characters right now. Let’s hope it stays that way!

Reroll Guide

Rerolling allows a do-over during the early stages of the game. It’s a monotonous and grind-heavy process, but worth it if you want to begin with a specific character and have a head start.

  • Download Tribe Nine and create an account.
  • Play the tutorial until you complete the first chapter (skip/tab dialogue if necessary as this can take up to 20 minutes)
  • Complete the guaranteed tutorial summon. (The pulls for this never change, so don’t worry about rerolls yet!)
  • Claim your mail which contains x1,200 Enigma Entity, enough to perform x10 Synchros.
  • I recommend pulling on the ‘The Inquisitive Lady of Literature’ banner but feel free to choose your own.
  • If the character pulls aren’t desirable, enter the menu page and select ‘Delete Player Data’.
  • Back on the main game screen, you’ll be asked to ‘Start New Game’ or ‘Skip’, press ‘Skip’ to bypass the tutorial and re-enter the summons room.
  • Keep repeating the summon, delete, and skip steps until you obtain a character you like!