This complete Type Soul All Grades guide outlines each race’s path to Elite and how to achieve it! Regardless of lineage, this guide is sure to help you out.
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Type Soul All Grades
Grading up is quite a strenuous task and the path to Elite is unique per each race. In short, you’ll be perfecting your build and combat along the way to proving your worth amongst your kin.
Arrancar Grading
Arrancars which take the form of Hollows first, have numerous transformation sequences before they’re eligible to grade up.
You’ll begin as a Fishbone and through killing and absorbing fellow Hollows you’ll evolve. Once you pull your mask off at the desired Hollow evolution, you enter the grading ranks starting at Grade 5. To phase from Grade 5 to Semi-Grade 1 all you require is Missions EXP. In between this at Grade 2, you’ll gain access to the Cero Path from the Kido Skill Tree.
To get from Semi-Grade 1 to Elite Grade, you’ll need a more varied diet of EXP ranging from Missions EXP, Raids EXP and Grip EXP.
Soul Reaper Grading
Soul Reapers have a more involved Grading process versus the Arrancar lineage. You begin as a Trainee Shinigami and progress to Grade 3 with Missions EXP. Once at Grade 3, you’ll need to earn a cocktail of Division EXP and Missions EXP to reach Grade 2.
From Grade 2 to Semi-Grade 1, you’ll need Shikai EXP which is found when speaking to your Shikai Spirit in the Spirit World on top of Divisions and Missions EXP. You’ll be unable to grade further until your inner Shikai Spirit is at maximum EXP capacity and defeated in combat.
Finally, Semi-Grade 1 to Elite Grade! To rank up, you’ll need Shikai EXP, Grip EXP, Divisions EXP and Missions EXP.
Quincy Grading
Quincy works similarly to Hollows in that you don’t need to perform many diverting paths to reach a high grade. To get from Grade 5 to Semi-Grade 1 all you require is Missions EXP; at Grade 2, you’ll unlock your Schrift.
From Semi-Grade 1 to Elite Grade, you’ll need to obtain Hollow NPC Kills, Missions, and Grip EXP.