Type Soul Vasto Lorde Guide – What It Is And How To Unlock

Feature image for our Type Soul Vasto Lorde guide. Image shows a character on a brown wheel.

Our Type Soul Vasto Lorde Guide explains what a Vasto Lorde is, and the steps you will need to take to become one.

You can play on the official Roblox website. If you want more Type Soul content, we have a Type Soul Bankai Guide and a Type Soul Shard Of Reiatsu Guide.

Type Soul Vasto Lorde Guide

The Vasto Lorde is exclusive to the Arrancar and Quincy races. So if you’re a Soul Reaper but want to become a Vasto Lorde, use a Soul Ticket to change race.

The first thing you have to do is travel to Hueco Mundo. From there, your journey begins!


Once you’re in Hueco Mundo, you must defeat the Menos NPC. Some Menos are controlled by players. Make sure to avoid these, as they won’t leave behind a corpse. When you have defeated one, you have to eat its corpse. Hold down the ‘B’ button to consume. When you start your journey, you are a Fishbone. However, after you eat the corpse, you will become a Menos.


Now, head over to Menos Forest. You can get there by jumping down the large hole in the ground which you can find to the left of the Colosseum area. In this forest, there are lots of Menos NPCs wandering around, so you have access to plenty! Make sure you have your Menos Cero ability equipped too. Once you have done this, you will transform into an Adjuchas.

Vasto Lorde

We’re nearly there! All you need to do now is defeat more Adjuchas. Again, make sure these are NPCs, and not player-controlled. For every Adjuchas you kill, you will obtain 2 Mask Cracks. You need 25 of these to become a Vasto Lorde… so it may take a while. However, once you have 25, lines will start appearing on your screen. Follow the lines on the ground, as they will take you to the Vasto Lorde NPC.

The final step is to defeat the Vasto Lorde. When you do that, consume his corpse (what is it with all this corpse-eating?!) and you will transform into a Vasto Lorde yourself!