Verse Piece Accessories Tier List – All Wearables Ranked!

Feature image for our verse piece accessories tier list showing the zenitsu boss with a fierce expression stood on a cobbled path during the day

I’ve never shied away from ranking different Verse Piece enhancers so why stop now? In this Verse Piece Accessories Tier List, I compare each armour piece based on its style and stats, ranking them from best to worst so you know which to wear.

Start playing Verse Piece on Roblox. For more tiers on this title, check out my Verse Piece Ability Tier List, Verse Piece Races Tier List, or Verse Piece Spec Tier List.

Verse Piece Accessories Tier List

Let’s get into the rankings!


  • Okarun Clothes
  • Okarun Mask
  • Hanni Plushie
  • Rabbit Cap
  • Los Lobos Clothes
  • Strongest Coat
  • Sukuna’s Coat
  • Sorcerer Coat
  • Gojo’s Coat
  • Christmas Coat


  • Alucard Glasses
  • Alucard Hat
  • Rowan Lantern
  • Madara’s Armour
  • Cursed Arm
  • Santa Hat
  • Igris Helmet
  • Rimuru Coat


  • Igris Cape
  • Aizen Eyepatch
  • Adaptation Wheel
  • Hidan’s Armour
  • Itachi’s Cloak


  • Cid Cloak
  • Kakashi’s Mask
  • Gojo Blindfold
  • Black Cloak
  • Crow Mask


  • Starrk Eyepatch
  • Scarecrow Hat

What Each Tier Means

Whilst tiers seem self-explanatory, it’s easy to feel lost when understanding each accessory placement. So, I’ve added this section to clear up what each tier means, so you know exactly where your current accessories rank!

  • S: The BEST and coincidentally most stylish accessories in Verse Piece. They offer huge buffs to different stats across your build, and you’ll never need to grind for something better.
  • A: Great alternatives from the s-tier if you haven’t obtained them yet. These few still offer great buffs, but fall short of being the strongest.
  • B: Nestled into the average tier, these few are also pretty good to wear if you have them.
  • C: A tier up from the worst, these accessories offer mild stat buffs. There’s a lot to improve on, but if this is the best you’ve got then it’s better than nothing.
  • D: Whilst these accessories are the worst compared to their peers, any accessory is ultimately better than none. So, if these are the best you’ve got, wear them!