Verse Piece Chests Guide

Feature image for our verse piece chests guide showing the crafting npc behind a wooden stall inside a stone home.

Opening chests is the main way to attain certain materials needed for upgrades such as Specs. In this Verse Piece Chests Guide, I tell you the few ways to get chests, their rarity and possible loot!

Start playing Verse Piece on Roblox. For more guides on this mix n’ match game, check out our Best Trait In Verse Piece thoughts piece and Verse Piece Rimuru Rerun Guide.

Verse Piece Chests Guide

The easiest way to obtain Chests is by defeating bosses or completing Raids. Some bosses spawn based on an in-game timer, whilst others require summoning using Boss Tickets. Alternatively, players can get Chests through mission completion or by crafting them.

As mentioned, the loot inside chests typically consists of materials necessary for player upgrades such as Specs, Weapons, Trading, and more.

Chests Rarity

A Chest rarity corresponds to the type of loot found inside. Each upgrade material has a unique rarity, and the higher the rarity, the less chance of it appearing in a low-tier chest.

For example, the Mythical rarity Dungeon Ticket (used to activate Dungeons) has a low chance to drop from a Rare Chest, and a higher chance from a Mythical. Likewise, an Epic rarity Sukuna Finger will have a better chance of dropping from an Epic chest and a lower chance from a higher rarity chest.

  • Rare Chest – Drops from all bosses and are almost guaranteed.
  • Epic Chest – Drops from all bosses with an uncommon rate.
  • Legendary Chest – Drops from all bosses with a moderate rate.
  • Mythical Chest – Drops from all bosses with a low rate.
  • Exotic Chest – 100% Drop chance from Raids.

Crafting Chests

To craft Chests, visit the Crafter NPC on Blacksmith Island. Each recipe is as follows:

  • Epic Chest
    • 500 G$
    • x3 Rare Chests
  • Legendary Chest
    • 750 G$
    • x3 Epic Chests
  • Mythical Chest
    • 1,000 G$
    • x3 Legendary Chests
  • Exotic Chest
    • 1,500 G$
    • x1 Rare Chest
    • x1 Epic Chest
    • x1 Legendary Chest
    • x1 Mythical Chest