Verse Piece Exotic Races Guide – Obtainments, Buffs, Passives, and More!

Feature image for our verse piece exotic races guide showing the fallen angel npc on a grassy c;iff edge at night time

Some lineages are required to unlock different weapons and specs; outside of that, your race determines your stat enhancer and physical cosmetic. This Verse Piece Exotic Races Guide refines the hunt to only the rarest in-game, including their buffs, obtainment, and more!

Start playing Verse Piece on Roblox. For more on races, check out our Verse Piece Races Tier List and Verse Piece Races Guide.

Verse Piece Exotic Races Guide

Exotic Races share a 0.05% Roll chance when using a race re-roll shard. Unless it’s a Quest-obtained Exotic race. (Don’t worry, I’ll get into that later!).

Rolled Exotic Races

  • Contractor
    • Cosmetic: Swirling purple and black aura around the body, rising into the sky.
    • Buff: x2 DMG Multiplier
    • Passive: Each hit taken grants +1 Stack. At 5 Stacks, an explosive attack triggers which scales off the players Special Stat, dealing explosive damage to enemies, and regaining a small amount of health.
  • Dragonic
    • Cosmetic: Blue dragon wings on the player’s back.
    • Buff: x2.25 DMG Multiplier. This Race is required to obtain the Rimuru Spec.
    • Passive: None.
  • Dullahan
    • Cosmetic: Flaming cross on the player’s back.
    • Buff: x0.5 DMG Multiplier during the day. x3 DMG Multiplier at nighttime.
    • Passive: Burn passive, which scales off the player’s Special Stat (Nighttime only)
  • Half-Cyborg
    • Cosmetic: A bionic eye on the player’s face with a red LED core.
    • Buff: Increases maximum HP by x2 and reduces all incoming damage by 75%.
    • Passive: None.
  • Shadow
    • Cosmetic: Glowing red/white eyes.
    • Buff: 100% DMG Reduction during PvP combat ONLY.
    • Passive: None
  • Slime
    • Cosmetic: None
    • Buff: Reduces DMG taken by 80%.
    • Passive: None
  • Truthseeker
    • Cosmetic: ???
    • Buff: x2.5 Sword DMG Multiplier. 50% More HP in exchange for no combat, making Special moves deal 1 DMG.
    • Passive: None

Quest Exotic Races

  • Fallen Angel
    • Cosmetic: White swaying angel wings on the player’s back.
    • Buff: x2.75 DMG Multiplier.
    • Passive: Each hit has a chance to conjure a Smite of Sword, which falls onto enemies, covering a wide AoE. Its strength scales off of the player’s Special Stat and also renders enemies temporarily unable to move.
    • Obtainment: Level 5,000+ and defeating 10 Fallen Angel bosses after speaking to the Fallen Angel Quest Giver.