Verse Piece Races Tier List – Ranked With Reasons!

Feature image for our verse piece races tier list showing the strongest arena dojo which is white and red with japanese lettering across the front

Your player build begins with your heritage. In this Verse Piece Race Tier List, I rank each lineage from best to worst based on their buff enhancements so you know which surname to settle for!

Start playing Verse Piece on Roblox. For more on Races, check out our Verse Piece Races Guide, detailing every lineage including their rarity and buffs.

Verse Piece Races Tier List

Let’s get into it!


  • Half-Cyborg (Exotic 0.05% Roll chance)
    • Increases max HP.
    • Reduces DMG taken by 20%.
  • Slime (Exotic 0.05% Roll chance)
    • Reduces DMG taken by 40%.
  • Dullahan (Exotic 0.05% Roll chance)
    • 0.5x Multiplier on all stats during the day.
    • 3x Multiplier on all stats during the night.
    • Applies a burn passive dealing 20% DMG during nighttime.
  • Vessel (Mythical 0.175% Roll chance)
    • Applies a x1.5 Multiplier on all stats.
    • Gives a slash passive that deals 25% of max DMG.
  • Vampire (Mythical 0.175% Roll chance)
    • Applies a x1.25 Multiplier on all stats.
    • Life-steal every time a hit lands.
  • Demonic (Mythical 0.175% Roll chance)
    • Applies a x1.75 Multiplier on all stats.
    • Prevents opponents from using self-heal techniques.


  • Truthseeker (Mythical 0.175% Roll chance)
    • Applies a x1.75 Multiplier on Sword DMG.
    • 30% More HP.
    • Removes Combat.
    • Specials deals 1 DMG.
  • Angelica (Mythical 0.175% Roll chance)
    • Applies a x1.25 Multiplier on all stats.
    • Smite passive that stuns and deals 20% of overall DMG.
  • Saiya (Mythical 0.175% Roll chance)
    • Reduces DMG taken by 75%.
  • Quincy (Legendary 1.5% Roll chance)
    • Reduces DMG taken by 1.5x.
  • Arrancar (Legendary 1.5% Roll chance)
    • +1.5x DMG Multiplier for Special Attacks.


  • Reaper (Legendary 1.5% Roll chance)
    • +1.5x DMG Multiplier for Swords.
  • Fishman (Rare 12.5% Roll chance)
    • Allows the player to swim faster.
    • This race drops into the C-Tier if the player has a flight ability.


  • Skypiean (Rare 12.5% Roll chance)
    • Allows the player to Geppo 10 times.


  • Human – (Common 68% Roll chance)
    • No buffs.
  • Dragonic (Exotic 0.05% Roll chance)
    • Buffs unknown. This Race will move tiers when buffs are known. This is a placeholder!

What Each Tier Means

Tiers only have value if you know what each section means. For a closer insight into why each race has been placed in its respective column, I’ve included this tier breakdown.

  • S: The absolute best! Even if the lineages here don’t offer the exact buffs you’re after they’re still excellent to use and I’d recommend hesitating and trying them out before rerolling.
  • A: Great, but not the best. These races are nice safety net options if you didn’t get lucky enough to obtain an S-ranking race, but don’t want to risk rerolling to potentially gain something worse.
  • B: Nestled into the average tier, these heritages just about make do. I wouldn’t recommend them as long-term game plans, but for early-game players they’re nifty!
  • C: Hardly a valid option, but at least they’re not the absolute worst to roll for.
  • D: The worst! These offer little to no valuable enhancements to a player’s build and should be swapped immediately.