Verse Piece Rimuru Rerun Guide – Defeating The Dungeon, Spec Obtainment and Movesets!

Feature image for our verse piece rimuru rerun guide showing the rimuru npc teacher on top of a frozen hill on a sunny day with a white ? mark above his head

Over the weekend, the Tempest Dungeon began reruns for one of the strongest Specs in the game. In this Verse Piece Rimuru Rerun guide, I tell you how to join and defeat the dungeon and the specialization obtainment and stats.

Start playing Verse Piece on Roblox. For more on this mix-and-match anime-inspired game, check out our Verse Piece Spec Tier List and Verse Piece Specs Guide.

Verse Piece Rimuru Rerun Guide

First, travel to Runes Island and speak to the Dungeon Summoner NPC, selecting the ‘Tempest Dungeon Rerun’. This game mode requires 5,000 G$ and x3 Dungeon Tickets to play. To earn more Dungeon Tickets, open Chests earned through boss defeats and Missions.

The Dungeon hosts 5 waves and drops the necessary material to obtain the Rimuru Spec. The first two waves summon Normal Slime enemies, followed by Rage Slimes for the next two waves, and finally the Rimuru Boss on wave 5.

Rimuru Spec Obtainment

If you defeat the Dungeon Rerun enough times, you’ll earn most of the materials required to unlock the Rimuru Spec. The Teacher NPC resides on a frozen hill at Snow Village and needs 10,000 G$, x1 Slime Core, x250 Slimes, x5 Tempest Ore, The Demon Lord Title, and the Dragonic Race to teach the Spec.

All items aside from the Race are found through completing the Dungeon. The Dragonic Race is of Exotic rarity, uncovered through Race Rerolls.

Rimuru Spec Moveset

Onto the moves!

  • Z Move – A conjured lightning-like attack which cracks the ground where struck dealing 25,100 damage.
  • X Move – A short projectile-like move which detonates on hit dealing 37,700 damage.
  • C Move – A 10-hit move that deals 10,000 damage per attack (caps at 100,000). The move cracks the ground, firing up-steams of power to strike any enemies caught in its wrath.
  • V Move – Fires random slashes in all directions in a circle around the player dealing 41,100 damage.
  • F Move – Enhances the user’s damage by 25%