Specs, shorthand for specialisation, are an insight into your favourite anime characters’ strongest moves. In this Verse Piece Specs Guide, I tell you about each Spec including their obtainment, location and moveset!
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Verse Piece Specs Guide
Let’s get right into it!
Gon Spec
Obtain Master of Swap, x10 Fishing Rods, and 1,000 Gems. With all requirements, speak to the Gon Teacher NPC on Bleach Island to unlock.
- Z Move – 10,060 DMG
- X Move – 8,383 DMG
- C Move – 3,353 DMG
Gojo Spec
Gather 2,500 Gems, x1 Limitless Orb and x25 Energy Shards. Take them to the Gojo Teacher NPC located on Snow Island to unlock.
- Z Move – 5,585 DMG
- X Move – 5,030 DMG
- C Move – 10 seconds of IFrames
Gojo Limitless Spec
Obtain 7,500 G$, x2 True Six Eyes, x10 Limitless Shards, x10 Limitless Power, x100 Cursed Energy Shards and the Honoured One Trait. Speak to the Gojo Limitless Teacher NPC at Jujutsu Village to unlock.
- Z Move – 11,736 DMG
- X Move – 11,736 DMG
- C Move – 20,958 DMG
- V Move – Stun targets for 10 seconds
- F Move – 20 Seconds of IFrames
Sukuna Spec
Gather 2,500 Gems, x5 Sukuna Fingers and x25 Energy Shards. Take them to the Sukuna Teacher NPC on Starter Island to unlock.
- Z Move – 4,191 DMG
- X Move – 5,868 DMG
- C Move – 6,706 DMG
Sukuna Curse King Spec
Obtain 7,500 Gems, x10 True Sukuna Fingers and x100 Curse Energy Shards. Speak with the Sukuna Curse King Teacher NPC at Jujutsu Village to unlock.
- Z Move – 18,108 DMG
- X Move – 11,736 DMG
- C Move – 15,090 DMG
- V Move – 22,635 DMG
Hakari Spec
Obtain 3,500 Gems, x1 Gamble Spirit, x1 Joker Cars, x1 King Card and x1 Queen Card. Speak with the Hakari Teacher NPC on Lost Isle to unlock.
- Z Move – 5,030 DMG
- X Move – 5,030 DMG
- C Move – 8,383 DMG
Hakari Gambler Spec
Obtain 7,777 Gems, x77 Joker Cards, x77 King Cards, x77 Queen Cards and the Title, Jackpot 777. Speak to Hakari Gambler Teacher on Arcade Island to unlock.
- Z Move – 18,800 DMG
- X Move – 16,700 DMG
- C Move – 20,900 DMG
- V Move – 25,100 DMG
- F Move – 40 Seconds of IFrames
Higuruma Spec
Obtained via the Higuruma Gacha with a 0.5% drop rate.
- Passive – Every M1 has a small chance to apply The Judge aura making V-Moves deal 30% True Health DMG.
- Z Move – 9,221 DMG
- X Move – 10,989 DMG
- C Move – 12,575 DMG
- V Move – 15,090 DMG
Killua Spec
Obtain a Killuas Soul (5% Drop chance) from defeating the Killua Boss. Consume it to gain the Killua Spec.
- Z Move – 11,736 DMG
- X Move – 13,413 DMG
- C Move – 15,090 DMG
- V Move – 18,443 DMG
Goku Spec
Obtain x1 Ki Aura and x7 Dragon Balls, and be part of the Saiya Race. Speak to the Goku Teacher NPC at Strongest Arena to unlock.
- Z Move – 12,575 DMG
- X Move – 13,413 DMG
- C Move – 11,736 DMG
- V Move – 11,736 DMG
Hidan Spec
Gather x50 Dungeon Medals and exchange them within the Dungeon Medal Exchanger.
- Z Move – 8,383 DMG
- X Move – 14,084 DMG
- C Move – 12,575 DMG
- V Move – 10 Seconds of IFrames
Uraume Spec
Gather x5,000 Gems, x250 Cursed Energy Shards and 25 Ice Fragments. Take them to the Uraume Teacher NPC on Boss Island to unlock.
- Z Move – 16,700 DMG
- X Move – 20,100 DMG
- C Move – 20,900 DMG
- V Move – 25,100 DMG
Yuji Spec
Gather x3,500 Gems, x1 True Sukuna Finger and 35 Cursed Energy Shards. Speak with the Yuji Teacher NPC at Frost Toen to unlock.
- Z Move – 7,545 DMG
- X Move – 10,060 DMG
- C Move – 13,413 DMG
Rimuru Spec
Obtain x10,000 Gems, x1 Slime Core, x250 Slime, x5 Tempest Ore, be part of the Dragonic lineage and have the Demon Lord Title. Speak with the Rimuru Teacher NPC on Snow Island to unlock.
- Z Move – 16,700 DMG
- X Move – 15,000 DMG
- C Move – 50,200 DMG
- V Move – 23,400 DMG
- F Move – Buffs user damage by 25%
Aizen Spec
Obtain x5,000 Gems, x1 Aizen Eyepatch, x10 Hogyoku Fragments and x5 True Hogyoku. Speak with the Aizen Teacher NPC located at Shells Town to unlock.
- Z Move – 14,251 DMG
- X Move – 15,090 DMG
- C Move – 15,090 DMG
- V Move – 20,958 DMG
Aizen TYBW Spec
Gather x15,000 Gmes, x1 Spirit Hogyoku, x100 True Hogyoku, x500 Cracked Masks, have the base Aizen Spec, and equip both the Betrayer Trait and Soul King title. Speak with the Aizen TYBW Teacher NPC located on Bleach Island to unlock.
- Z Move – 33,500 DMG
- X Move – 33,500 DMG
- C Move – 33,500 DMG
- V Move – 50,300 DMG
- F Move – Buffs DMG by 40%
Madara Spec
Obtain x5,00 Gems, x2 Sharingan Eyes, x2 Rinnengan Eyes and x10 Hashirama Cells. Speak with the Madara Teacher NPC on Lost Isle to unlock.
- Z Move – 6,036 DMG
- X Move – 13,413 DMG
- C Move – 15,090 DMG
- V Move – 11,736 DMG
Padoru Spec
Gather 2,500 Candy Canes and speak with the Padoru Exchanger on Christmas Island to unlock the Spec.
- Z Move – 21,000 DMG
- X Move – 20,500 DMG
- C Move – 29,200 DMG
- V Move – 34,800 DMG
Roland Spec
Requires 10,000 G$, x1 Library of Ruina’s Bible, and the Black Silence Trait. With all the materials, find the Roland Teacher NPC at Karakura Town to learn this combat.
- Z Move – 25,150 DMG
- FZ – 42,755 DMG
- X Move – 26,826 DMG
- FX – 41,916 DMG
- C Move – 40,240 DMG
- FC – 41,916 DMG
- V Move – 57,600 DMG
- FV – 52,311 DMG
- F Move – Alters player’s skill to an upgraded version
Okarun Spec
Requires 7,500 G$, x1 Turbo Granny Soul, x2 Golden Ball, x1 Okarun Glasses, and x25 Turbo Artifacts. Visit the Okarun Teacher NPC at Turbo Tunnel to learn this spec.
- Z Move – 34,036 DMG
- X Move – 46,108 DMG
- C Move – 50,300 DMG
- V Move – 63,713 DMG
D4C Spec
Requires 75,000 Heart Fragments given to the Valentine Exchange NPC on Verse Island.
- Z Move – 37,724 DMG
- X Move – 41,916 DMG
- C Move – 57,006 DMG
- V Move – 50,300 DMG
- F Move – IFrames which deflect incoming damage
What Is A Spec?
Specs allow players to adopt certain iconic movesets that the NPC teacher anime counterparts use in their respective stories. This insight into their true power gives the upper hand in combat, fusing nicely into players’ build alongside their other stats such as Fruit, Weapon, Wearables, Titles and more.