Verse Piece Turbo Artifact Guide – Obtainments and Uses!

Feature image for our verse piece turbo artifact guide showing the okarun npc with his wavy black hair and glasses looking sternly to the side

Don’t let the struggle of finding artifacts stop you from going turbo! This Verse Piece Turbo Artifact Guide tells you the two main uses of this item and the few ways you can obtain one for yourself.

Start playing Verse Piece on Roblox. For more on Dandadan, check out our Verse Piece Okarun F Skill Guide and Verse Piece Okarun Guide.

Verse Piece Turbo Artifact Guide – Uses!

Artifacts have two purposes. Either, they become absorbed when obtaining new Specs and Weapons, or applied directly to the player, enhancing them with a passive skill. This rule is no different for the Turbo Artifact, which, if consumed, allows the player to temporarily turn into a tornado dealing medium damage to enemies caught by its rapid winds.

Alternatively, and likely more popular, players use the Turbo Artifact in crafting to obtain the Okarun Spec. This spec requires 7,500 Gems, x1 Turbo Granny Soul, x2 Golden Balls, x1 Okarun Glasses, and x25 Turbo Artifacts to learn. The Okarun NPC resides on Turbo Island, found by entering the left tunnel at Karakura Town.

Turbo Artifact Obtainment

Chances are, if you’re on this guide you’re struggling to obtain the 25 Turbo Artifacts needed for the Okarun Spec. Every other item used for this Spec hails from the Okarun Boss, spawned on Turbo Island using 5,000 Gems and x50 Boss Tickets. So, what about the Turbo Artifact?

The Turbo Artifact shares a rarity and obtainment with every other Artifact available in the game. This Mythical item has a slim drop chance from any chest. Though, to increase odds, I’d recommend trying to secure higher rarity chests. I made a Verse Piece Chests Guide if you want to know how to do that!

Alternatively, you could attempt to trade with other players to obtain one. There’s plenty of Artifacts in the game so you may find one you’re not keen on using, which another player may be willing to exchange for their Turbo Artifact!