What Is The Best Trait In Verse Piece?

Feature image for our what is the best trait in verse piece guide showing the trait reroller npc with his hand raised to his chin in thought as he swings from side to side

The best is a sensitive and subjective topic. But in this What is the best Trait in Verse Piece thoughts piece, I give my opinion and explain why I think it stands above the rest.

Start playing Verse Piece on Roblox. For more guides like this one, check out our Verse Piece Rimuru Rerun Guide and The Best Verse Piece Traits Tier List.

What Is The Best Trait In Verse Piece

Drumroll… The best is Monarch! When looking at the enhancements of this exotic rarity Trait it becomes obvious why it’s the best. The best Trait is chosen based on the criteria that it will universally benefit any player regardless of their existing build and combat style, which Monarch does effortlessly.

Of all exotic traits (and lesser rarities), it applies the most generous buffs including a hefty 7.5x Damage Multiplier, and an additional +10,000 in Defence, Sword, Special, and Strength.

The only Trait that potentially rivals Monarch is the Rejected Zenin which applies a 6.5x Damage Multiplier and +10,000 in Defence, Sword, Special, and Strength. So, that’s the runner-up at least.

So, the Monarch Trait takes the throne. Plus, with this Trait (and a few other requirements) players can obtain the Sung Jin Woo weapon. However, the Trait does become consumed to create it…

How To Get Traits

Traits equip to a build through rerolls and don’t have much overlap. Each Trait offers something unique from rarity to buff enhancement. To get or change an existing Trait, visit the Trait Reroller NPC at Frost Town, which lets you reroll for 5 G$.

Traits are more than their buffs and passives, some are necessary ingredients to attain Specs, Weapons and other miscellaneous items. The roll chance for each Trait rarity is as follows:

  • Common – 30% Roll chance
  • Uncommon – 30% Roll chance
  • Rare – 5% Roll chance
  • Epic –  3.5% Roll chance
  • Legendary – 1.5% Roll chance
  • Mythical – 0.5% Roll chance
  • Exotic – 0.025% Roll chance